Awards Conference Speakers

2016 conference award recognises the research behind recommender systems

This year’s Seoul Test of Time Award, presented at the World Wide Web Conference in Montreal, recognises the authors of one of the most important research papers in the field of recommender systems.

LinkedIn scientist Dr Badrul Sarwar and University …

Conference Important Dates

Important Dates – WWW2017


Conference dates: April 3-7

Research Tracks

  • Abstract submission: October 19
  • Full Paper submission: October 24
  • Acceptance notification: December 21
  • Camera ready: February 14
  • Research Track dates: April 5-7


  • Proposal submission: November 4
  • Acceptance notification: November 18
  • Workshop paper

See our three Keynote Speakers at WWW2017

WWW2017 is pleased to announce our third Keynote speaker: Astrophysicist Melanie Johnston-Hollitt.

Working at the intersection of astrophysics, computer science and big data, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt is Director of Astrophysics at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), CEO of Peripety Scientific …


WWW2017 Attendees Survey now open – Win a Pass to WWW2018!

WWW2017 in Perth has finished and we are now seeking feedback from delegates on their experience at the conference. Please use either this QR code or the web address ( and complete this survey which will take no more than …

Conference Keynote Speakers

Keynote speaker for WWW2017 announced

We are pleased to announce that Mark Pesce will be one of the Keynote Speakers for WWW2017. Mark Pesce is an inventor, author, educator, broadcaster and entrepreneur. In 1991 he founded Ono-Sendai Corporation, the first consumer virtual reality startup, inventing …

Awards Conference Keynote

Google creators win inaugural Test of Time award at WWW2015 in Florence, Italy

Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the founders of Google, won the inaugural Test of Time award at WWW2015 in Florence, for one of the most influential works ever published in computer science.

The duo won the award, which honours those …

Keynote Speakers

Yoelle Maarek Keynote at WWW2017

Head of Yahoo Research Yoelle Maarek poses the question “Is Web Mail Dead?”

Yoelle Maarek, Vice President of Research at Yahoo, will keynote the event taking place in Perth, Australia from 3-7 April 2017, as part of Perth’s inaugural Festival …